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부산국제마케팅광고제와 함께하세요!
자연을 이용한 광고! 삼성전자(Samsung) & 토요타(Toyota) 본문
Samsung Electronics 'UHD ZOO'
아프리카 멸종 동물을 그대로 TV 스크린에 옮겨와 'UHD ZOO' 전시를 진행한 삼성전자!
Full HD보다 4배 이상의 화질을 전달하기 위해 UHD TV의 우수성을 보여줌과 동시에
멸종 동물 보호라는 주제를 잘 표현한 'UHD ZOO' 전시는 그야말로 놀라움이었습니다.
아프리카 동물을 실제로 보는 것과 같은 느낌이었으니까요~
지난해 UHD TV 신제품 광고를 위해 개최한 멸종위기의 동물들을 위한 전시회는
전시장 내부를 아프리카 밀림에 온듯한 분위기로 꾸몄고,
UHD TV를 통해 멸종 동물의 털 한올한올, 행동 하나하나의 디테일을 그대로 표현했습니다.
촬영팀은 직접 아프리카로 건너가 멸종동물 영상을 촬영했고,
UHD TV의 장점인 고화질 화면을 통해 전달했습니다.
전시회에는 약 1만5천 명의 관람객이 방문했고, 300여개 매체를 통해 보도되었으며,
UHD TV 판매도 증가되었다고 합니다.
'UHD ZOO' 전시는 2013년 8월 8일부터 10일간 청담동 비욘드뮤지엄에서 진행되었습니다.
Samsung UHD TV brings us 4x greater detail than Full HD. How can we harness this amazing picture quality to bring value to the world? To find the answer, we headed into Africa. There, we came into contact with 19 endangered animals including the Mountain Gorilla. We captured the details of even the tiniest movements of these animals brilliantly in UHD. And in the end, we opened the Endangered Animals Exhibit UHD ZOO. Our film was created to let people know about our project and to inform the public about the opening of the UHD ZOO exhibit.
UHD was a big issue in the 2013 TV marketplace, ushering in 4k resolution, 4 times greater than Full HD. It was necessary for us to create a new campaign to show our leadership in the next-generation high-definition TV market. However, with consumers mostly unaware of UHD picture quality, and in an environment with little available 4k content, there was a limit to trying to communicate our idea simply through a TV commercial. And so, we thought deeply about how to create a campaign that could present Samsung UHD TVs leadership in the marketplace while simultaneously allowing consumers to directly experience UHDs picture quality.
Through an exhibit that lasted 10 days and accommodated over 15,000 visitors,MBC and other (Korean) news sources together issued around 300 press releases covering the event.Encore exhibitions followed at department stores, zoos, and amusement parks around the country. Then going beyond South Korea, the exhibition continued in France, Italy, Germany, Israel and many other totaling 35 countries around the world.The UHD ZOO campaign resulted in an increase of consumer awareness about UHD TV from 22% to 65% and also created a dramatic increase in Top of Mind Awareness and the number of overall (UHD TV) product sales.
From a single strand of hair, down to the tiniest wrinkles, the UHD ZOO campaign, an exhibition showcasing endangered animals, was planned to show each animal in exquisite detail with the technology of UHD. First, we filmed these quickly disappearing endangered animals, and then proceeded to air a TV commercial to show the preparation being made for the UHD ZOO and also to inform the public about the opening of the exhibit. Then, along with the opening, the campaign was spread further online, offline in retail stores, through PR, and other various methods to allow consumers to experience first-hand the picture quality of UHD TV.
Brand_Samsung Electronics
Agency_Cheil Worldwide
Toyota Australia 'Grass Billboard'
잔디를 이용한 호주 토요타(Toyota)의 보드 광고판입니다.
일반적인 보드광고는 비닐, PVC, 금속, 페인트 등으로 구성돼
모든 재료가 썩는데 200년이나 걸린다고 합니다.
하지만 호주 토요타는 신차 프리우스를 광고하기 위한 광고판으로 100% 자연친화적인
잔디 보드판을 사용했습니다.
이 잔디 보드판은 시간이 지나면 그대로 썩어서 다시 자연으로 돌아간답니다.
'자연에서 와서 다시 자연으로 가는 광고판'
인공적인 것들에 둘러싸여 사는 요즘 현대인들에게 뭔가 의미있는 말 같습니다.
'Grass Billborad'는 지구 온난화, 환경에 대한 메시지와 함께
토요타의 프리우스를 홍보한 보드광고였습니다.
'Grass Billborad' 2014 부산국제광고제에서 크리스탈(Crystal)을 수상한 작품입니다.
In a market cluttered with information about global warming, environmentally friendly messaging and eco products, Toyota Prius was getting lost. We needed to remind people that Prius is still one of the best environmentally friendly vehicles out there.
Change the way we advertise. Billboards are generally built with vinyl, PVC, metal and paint, all materials that take 200+ years to decompose, making them at best a visual pollutant and at worst a major environmental hazard. So we make the first 100% environmentally friendly billboards. Using only naturally occurring materials found at our billboard sites we made ? The billboards that came from nature and went back to nature.
We gained 1000s of impressions, our message was shared on social media. -In a cluttered market we made Toyota Prius stand out, by fitting in. -And most importantly we left things exactly as we found them.
Brand_Toyota Australia
Agency_Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney