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[부산국제광고제 2013/Crystal] POINT PUBLISHERS 본문
2013 부산국제광고제(AD STARS 2013)에서 Campaign presentation video Professional 부문에서 Crystal을 수상한 'POINT PUBLISHERS' 입니다.
대한민국에서1년 동안 출간되는 도서는 5만권에 다라지만 이중 점자 도서는 0.2%에 불과하다고 합니다.
0.2% 점자 도서는 대부분 성인들을 위한 것이고 시각장애 아동을 위한 점자책은 훨씩 적다고 하네요~
우리가 흔히 접하는 백설공주, 인어공주 등의 동화책을 시각장애 아이들은 어렵게 만날 수 있다고 생각하니 마음이 아픕니다.
POINT PUBLISHERS 는 개인이 보유하고 있는 카드 포인트를 기부해 시각장애 아동들에게 꿈과 희망을 전하는 캠페인입니다. 카드 포인틔 1포인트가 1 점자가 되고, 많은 사람들의 참여를 통해 1권의 점자책을 완성시킨다는 취지로 많은 사람들의 주목을 받았습니다~
캠페인 웹 페이지에는 약 50일 동안 37만 명이 방문했고, 5,300권이 책이 기부되었으며, 3,900만원 가량의 포인트가 기부되었다고 하네요~ 블로그나 SNS에도 5,600건이 포스팅되었구요~
"이제 우리의 포인트가 모여 점자가 되고, 시각 장애 아이들을 위한 점자책이 되며, 그들의 눈으로 세상을 보는 힘이 됩니다"
많은 시각장애인 아동들이 점자책을 통해 더 큰 꿈을 키우고, 이루었으면 좋겠습니다^^
Every year in Korea, only 0.2% of ordinary books are published into Braille books because of 5 times higher production cost. Due to the shortage of Braille books, blind children could not have their own books, nor even read the books they wanted. This problem led to the illiteracy rate that amounts up to 85%, and took away the children’s opportunity of higher education. In order to solve this critical intellectual poverty, Korean Braille Library desperately wanted to find sustainable solution to distribute Braille books for children and wanted to draw attention of general public, by convincing the blinds illiteracy.
In order to provide blind children with essential Braille books until they are grown-ups, we needed the sustainable way to afford inherently tremendous cost. We paid specific attention to yearly unused, disappearing, billions of reward points of a credit card company and established the social funded Braille books publisher where an individual’s 1 card point becomes 1 point of the Braille the Point Publishers. Point Publishers is the world-first Braille books publishing system, and also the donation platform, which became one and only sustainable Braille books publisher founded in Korea, creating a socially responsible and proactive program for blind children.
Through this unique experience, the public could understand blind children’s intellectual poverty, while solving the problem by contributing to Braille publishing. For 50 days from 7th, December, 2012, 372,961 people visited the website, 5,300 books were Braille-translated, and 39,096,964 points, nearly $35,000 were donated. Campaign was introduced in over 50 newspapers, 5,624 blogs, and countless social-network-services. On 31st, March, 2013, 5,300 books including Gulliver’s Travel, The Little Prince, and Pinocchio were Braille-published for the first time in Korea and delivered to 100 blind children. Today, Point Publishers is still publishing for those waiting for their own storybooks.
The Point Publishers is an exceptional campaign for enhancing public awareness with an actual result. When a participant chooses a book, and selec_ts the sentence he/she wants to Braille-translate for blind children, the card points are automatically donated, as much number as Braille points(dots) needed to translate the chosen sentence. Then this personally-translated sentence is posted on his/her Facebook, attracting more participation in the campaign. When all sentences in one book are translated, one real Braille-book is actually published and delivered to the blind children. This process is repeated until hundreds of children are supplied with hundreds of essential books.