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부산국제마케팅광고제와 함께하세요!
[2014 부산국제광고제/Grand Prix] 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)의 'Invisible People' 본문
[2014 부산국제광고제/Grand Prix] 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)의 'Invisible People'
부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2014. 9. 4. 08:00전세계 난민들은 약 3천5백만 명에 이른다고 합니다.
그동안 '난민'에 대해 어떻게 생각하고 있었나요?
'난민'에 대해 '우리의 이야기가 아니다'라고 생각하지 않으셨나요?
하지만 북한을 탈출한 난민들의 이야기는 더이상 남의 이야기가 아닙니다.
우리는 탈북난민들과 함께 일하고, 살아가고 있으니까요.
하지만 탈북민들의 목숨을 건 탈출에 우리는 무관심 하지 않았나 생각해 봅니다.
2014 부산국제광고제 그랑프리(Grand Prix)를 수상한 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)의 'Invisible People'은 우리 주변의 보이지 않는 사람들, 탈북 난민을 되돌아 보는 전시를 개최했습니다.
탈북민의 미니어처를 제작해 서울시립미술관 곳곳에 숨겨두고 이들을 찾는 전시회인데요.
브로슈어에 QR코드를 삽입해 탈북민의 인터뷰 영상을 볼 수 있도록 했답니다.
만약 미술관 곳곳에 설치된 난민들을 못보고 지나쳤다면 3층 프로젝트 갤러리에 와서야 비로서 '보이지 않는 사람들'의 존재를 확인할 수 있었답니다.
'Invisible People' 전시는 지난 2014년 2월에 서울시립미술관에서 3주동안 진행되었답니다.
이 캠페인을 통해 탈북 난민에 대한 관심과 응원들이 지속적으로 이루어지길 바랍니다~
The campaign aimed to raise awareness on the sufferings of North Korean refugees to South Koreans. Despite the NGOs past traditional marketing efforts to raise awareness, many South Koreans, especially those in their 20s, remained indifferent to them and their sufferings. The brief called for a new way to reach out to them.
UNHCR, the UNs refugee agency, held an exhibition titled "Invisible People" at the Seoul Museum of Art. The refugees and their emotional stories were incarnated in the form of figurines, created from advanced 3D scans and prints. Instead of displaying them conventionally, the figurines were hidden in the museum so visitors had to find them. Once spotted, visitors were engaged by emotional clips about the refugees sufferings. They simply had to tap their QR/NFC-enabled mobiles on the figurines.
In just three weeks, the exhibition garnered significant interest ? 48,216 people visited the exhibition and more than 5,000 encouraging messages were posted on the Facebook page and sent to the refugees. Although the campaign wasnt intended to raise funds, 87 people signed up to become sponsors of UNHCRs global refugee efforts. In total, 3.5 million people came to know about the refugees through word of mouth, social media and mass media. Due to the success of the campaign, foreign museums have approached UNHCR to hold similar exhibitions in their countries.
We brought to light the sufferings of North Korean refugees in a non-traditional way. By using the unique 3D scanning and printing technologies to create these figurines and embedding them with the refugees’ emotional stories, people would be attracted and compelled to find out more about the refugees. Moreover, the figurines were hidden in the museum. So visitors could seek them out, like in a scavenger hunt. Thats why the creative execution was relevant to the product or service.
Agency_Cheil Worldwide