일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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부산국제마케팅광고제와 함께하세요!
[부산국제광고제 텀블러] 당신은 어떤 아이였나요? 본문
▶ 부산국제광고제 공식 텀블러(Tumblr) 바로가기 ◀
Today, they’re at the top of their game as successful Creative Directors. But what were they like as kids? We asked three former jury members – who all judged AD STARS 2020 – what they were like...
"당신은 어떤 아이였나요?"
세계적인 크리에이티브 디렉터들의 어린시절은 어땠을까요?
그들은 어릴 때부터 창의적이고, 예술적인 아이였을까요?
그들의 기발한 발상들이 언제부터 시작됐는지,
'2020 부산국제광고제'의 심사위원이었던 Masako Okamura와 Mark Carolan, Luciana Cani를 만나
어린시절 재밌는 에피소드들을 들어봤습니다!
지금, 부산국제광고제 텀블러(adstars-blog)에서 그들의 인터뷰를 만나보세요!
"What kind of kid were you?"
How was the childhood of world-class creative directors?
Were they creative and artistic children from an early age?
When did their brilliant ideas begin?
Meet Masako Okamura, Mark Carolan and Luciana Cani, judges of the ‘AD STARS 2020’.
We listened to some fun childhood episodes!
Now, meet their interview at AD STARS Tumblr!