MAD 어워드/수상작

2018 부산국제광고제 Gold - Joy & Heron

부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2018. 10. 19. 13:00

이번에 소개시켜드릴 작품은 2018 부산국제광고제에서 Gold를 수상한 Joy & Heron입니다. 

원래 전자 제품에 중점을 두었던 JD.com은 최근 다른 시장으로도 확장하고있는데요.

그래서 JD.com은 이를 반영한 ​​콘텐츠를 만들어야 했습니다

목적은 JD.com을 더 많은 청중에게 다시 소개하는 것이었는데

특히 여성들의 호소력을 높이기 위한 것이었습니다

클라이언트는 구정 콘서트에 맞춰 아름다운 이야기를 하는 대신

브랜드 콘텐츠와 같은 느낌을 줄 수 있는 무언가를 만들고 싶었습니다.


창의적인 해결책은 JD.com의 브랜드 마스코트를

사랑스러운 캐릭터 Joy로 재구성하는 것이었습니다.

전자 제품에 초점을 맞추기 위해 금속으로 만들어진 '조이 스토리'

이 사랑스러운 강아지로 세계 시장에 joy를 소개하는 기회였습니다.


우리는 영화를 발표하는 것과 같은 광고를 창의적으로 출판했습니다.

JD의 브랜드 스토리인 Joy and Heron은 필름 표준에 따라

제작된 따뜻한 애니메이션 영화입니다.


영화 클립과 포스터는 기다리는 사람을 선동하기 위해 영화관 입구에서 전면 활동이 열렸습니다.

중국에서는 영화 평론가 인 Douban에서 8.3 (10 점 만점)으로 높은 점수를 얻었습니다.

관람 장면은 관객의 따뜻한 분위기와 열정적 인 반응을 불러 일으켰다고 하네요.

Little JOY는 여러 차례 주인공으로 활동했으며 여러 업체들과 콜라보 했었지만

JOY가 독자적으로 주도적 역할을 수행 한 것은 이번이 처음이므로 새로운 시도라고 할 수 있습니다

Title : Joy & Heron

Brand :

Agency : Inc.


Originally focused on electronic goods, has recently expanded into other markets, and as such, needed to create content that reflects this. The objective was to re-introduce to a wider audience, in particular, increasing its appeal to women. The client wanted to create something that did not feel like branded content, focused instead on telling a beautiful story to coincide with Chinese New Year celebrations.

The creative solution was to re-imagine’s brand mascot as the lovable character, Joy. Originally made of metal to reflect their focus on electronic goods, ‘Joy Story’ was an opportunity to introduce Joy to the global market as this adorable dog. We creatively published the advertisements like releasing a film. As JD’s brand story, Joy and Heron is a heart-warming animation film, which was produced according to film standards. It was also released like a film, for example, movie clips and posters were played on LCD out of the cinema, the front activity was held at the entrance to the cinema to agitate the waiting persons for strong exposure.

In China, the film was scored as high as 8.3 points (The full score is 10 points) at Douban, China's largest platform for film critic; the viewing scenes had warm atmosphere and enthusiastic reaction from the audience; the total exposure reached about 1,137,000,000 person/time; iQIYI, Tencent Video, Sohu Video and other web portals spontaneously created special webpages for it.

Internationally, it attracted spontaneous attention and reports from more than a dozen of foreign media such as Shots News, Best Ads, Campaign Asia, Branding in Asia, and

This project is the first step of JD’s IP realization. Little JOY has acted as a protagonist for many times, and cooperated domestically with Legend of the Demon Cat, and globally with Transformers and Justice League, but this is the first time for JOY to serve as the leading role independently, so it is a new attempt. It took 12 months to painstakingly produce the whole film, and each character has been shaped carefully.