[부산국제마케팅광고제|MAD STARS] 전문가 부문 출품료 안내 - 1차 출품

부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2024. 2. 16. 13:49


[전문가 부문 출품료 안내 - 1차 출품]


2024 부산국제마케팅광고제 1차 출품 접수 중❗



올해부터 부산국제마케팅광고제의 전문가 부문 출품이 전면 유료화 되었는데요.
출품료가 출품 기간 별, 카테고리 별로 상이하다보니, 현재 접수 중인 1차 출품의 출품료를 먼저 안내 드리고자 합니다!


1차 출품(Early Bird)은 오는 5월 10일(금)까지🗓️


세상을 바꿀 크리에이티브 솔루션을 기다립니다!
출품 접수 바로가기 👉🏻 http://www.madstars.org




[Information on Entry Fees - Early Bird]



MAD STARS 2024 1st entry is being accepted ❗


Starting this year, MAD STARS Professionals entries are now fully paid.
Since the entry fee varies by entry period and category, I would like to inform you of the fee for the first entry that is currently being accepted!



The 1st Deadline is May 10th (KST)🗓️ ️



We wait for creative solutions that will change the world!
Shortcut entry 👉🏻 http://www.madstars.org