[2014 부산국제광고제 출품작] 세상을 바꾼 빛 'Liter Of Light '
세상을 바꾼 빛 'Liter Of Light '
한번 쓰고 버리게 되는 페트병
필리핀에서는 훌륭한 전구로 변신한답니다
무려 천 오백만명 이상의 필리핀 사람들이
어려운 생활 형편으로 어두운 방에서 지내고 있죠.
전기요금이 부담스러워
전기불로 방을 밝힐 수가 없기 때문이에요.
매일 전기요금을 내지 않아도
사용할 수 있는 전구가 있다면 얼마나 좋을까요?
준비물은 간단합니다.
페트병과 물, led전구와 태양열전지.
낮에는 물이 태양빛을 반사해 전기 없이도 환한 방에서 지낼 수 있고,
밤에는 낮 동안 충전된 태양열로 led전구를 밝히는 거죠!
놀랍게도 낮에는 55w 전구와 같은 밝기를 내고,
led 전구는 300루멘 밝기라 하네요.
사람들이 서로서로 페트병 전구 제작방법을 공유했고,
인터넷으로 퍼져나가 1백만 명이 되는 사람들에게
희망의 등불이 되었습니다.
빛을 갖게된 아이들이 불빛아래서 책도읽고
어른들이 일도 할 수 있게 되었죠.
이 기술은 기술자 알프레도 모저 와 사업가 일락 디아즈
두 사람이 발명하고, 널리 보급했는데요.
세상을 바꾸는 착한 아이디어
밝은 세상을 만든 그들에게 박수를 보냅니다.
Results and Effectiveness:
The campaign reached 74,410 people, achieving an amazing 10% conversion rate. Over 10,000 volunteers gathered, 20,000 bulbs installed, 46,666 lives brightened. The project received Best of the Best at the 2012 PepsiCo Global Performance with Purpose Awards. It also gained the support of the Philippine government and was specially commended by the U.N Climate Chief, Christiana Figueres, at the 2011 World Climate Conference. It was covered by BBC, NHK and other networks, and presented at TED X in Dubai and Mumbai. The project is now being spread in Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mumbai and Colombia.
Creative Execution:
Solar bottle lights are recycled plastic Pepsi bottles installed on roofs to refract sunlight into 55W of light. The brand has installed over 20,000 lights through the combination of volunteer action, online donation and direct sponsorship. To spread the project, Pepsi helped establish a center to train volunteers and educated companies, schools and people on how to create and install lights. A model community, wherein every home is lit by at least 2 bottle bulbs, was established to help take the model across the global Pepsi system.
Insights, Strategy and the Idea:
Teens in the Philippines rate environmental concerns as their number one issue. To address this Pepsi has a long-running activation campaign under the banner of ‘SarapMagbago’ (Change Tastes Good). Since it has less to spend on corporate image compared to its main competitor it needs to be seen as a genuine innovator in environmental and social issues. So the brand aimed to help tackle the issue of daytime lighting in the Philippines. SinceFilipino urban poor communities are very dense, most homes have no natural light source. Lights must be kept on day and night, causing electric bills to rise. Most families choose to live in the dark to keep their children fed.Pepsi collaborated with My Shelter Foundation on the Liter of Light project to help brighten Filipino lives.
Let us
light up more lives. Donate to A Liter of Light.