[부산국제광고제 MAD STARS 2022] Executive Judges “Kathy Delaney”|Full Interview
[I’m a JURY] Executive Judges “Kathy Delaney”|Full Interview
올해 MAD STARS의 'Diverse Insights, Outdoor, Place Brand, Radio & Audio / PSA / Specialty(Pivot)' 부문 심사위원장
Kathy Delaney를 만나봤습니다❗
TV와 다양한 대중매체를 통해 세상을 보던 어린 소녀 Kathy가 지금의 “Publicis Health/Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness”의
Chief Creative Officer가 되기까지 어떤 시간을 보내왔을까요?
그녀의 진솔한 이야기는 MAD STARS 텀블러를 통해 확인하세요🤗
▶ Kathy Delaney 인터뷰 👉 https://bit.ly/3xryt00 ◀
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[I’m a JURY] Executive Judges “Kathy Delaney”|Full Interview
[I’m a JURY] Executive Judges “Kathy Delaney”|Full Interview
This year, we met Kathy Delaney, chairwoman of the "Diverse Insights, Outdoor, Place Brand, Radio & Audio / PSA / Specialty (Pivot)" category of MAD STARS 2022❗
Learn about Kathy’s journey from a young girl who watched TV dreaming of advertising and media, to becoming a chief creative officer of Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness and Publicis Health.
Go to the MAD STARS Tumblr to discover her story🤗
▶ Read the full Interview here 👉 https://bit.ly/3xryt00 ◀