[부산국제광고제 AD STARS 2022] 2022 부산국제광고제 심사위원장 소개

부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2022. 5. 19. 17:02

[2022 부산국제광고제 심사위원장 소개]


‘2022 부산국제광고제’의 심사위원장 5분을 소개합니다🤗


🔸Film, Video Stars 부문 심사위원장 ‘Charu Menon’

🔸Design, Print 부문 심사위원장 ‘Ashwini Deshpande’

🔸Diverse Insights, Outdoor, Place Brand, Radio & Audio / PSA / Specialty (Pivot) 부문 심사위원장 ‘Kathy Delaney’

🔸Interactive, Integrated, Innovation, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer 부문 심사위원장 ‘Alan Kelly’

🔸Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media, PR 부문 심사위원장 ‘Chris Duffey’



올해의 본선 심사위원 보러가기 👉 https://bit.ly/3yLrqSh



별도의 출품료 없이, #전문가#일반인 누구나 출품이 가능한 부산국제광고제!


늦지 않게 여러분의 크리에이티브한 아이디어를 공유해주세요✨

5월 31일(화) 출품이 마감됩니다❗




Introducing the 5 Executive Judges of ‘AD STARS 2022’🤗


🔸 ‘Charu Menon’ is executive judge of the Film, Video Stars category

🔸 ‘Ashwini Deshpande’ is executive judge of the Design, Print category

🔸 ‘Kathy Delaney’ is executive judge of the Diverse Insights, Outdoor, Place Brand, Radio & Audio / PSA / Specialty (Pivot) category

🔸 ‘Alan Kelly’ is executive judge of the Interactive, Integrated, Innovation, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer category

🔸 ‘Chris Duffey’ is executive judge of the Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media, PR category



Learn more about this year's final judges 👉 https://bit.ly/3yLrqSh



AD STARS, is open to #professionals and #nonprofessionals , most entries are free of charge!

Please submit your creative ideas before the deadline✨


Entries close on May 31st (KST)