[부산국제광고제 AD STARS 2022] Executive Judges “Ashwini Deshpande”|Full Interview
[I’m a JURY]
Executive Judges “Ashwini Deshpande”|Full Interview
올해 부산국제광고제 Design, Print 부문 심사위원장 'Ashwini Deshpande'를 만나봤습니다❗
인도 최대의 독립 통합 디자인 컨설팅 회사인 'Elephant'의 공동 설립자 Ashwini가 디자인을 시작하게 된 계기는 무엇일까요?
지금, 영상을 통해 그녀의 답변을 확인하세요🤗
오는 5월 15일(일)까지 출품 접수 중인 2022 부산국제광고제!
여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다🔥🔥
AD STARS 2022 심사위원이 궁금하시다면 www.adstars.org를 방문해주세요❗
▶ Ashwini Deshpande 인터뷰 👉 https://youtu.be/CldY3-Ze_uk ◀
[I’m a JURY]
Executive Judges “Ashwini Deshpande”|Full Interview
We spoke to "Ashwini Deshpande", one of the executive judges for AD STARS 2022.
Ashwini is a member of the Design, Print category❗
Find out more and learn more about her career through our interview🤗
AD STARS 2022 is accepting entries until May 15th (KST)!
Your support and participation are highly appreciated. 🔥🔥
To see more jury members, please visit www.adstars.org.
▶ Ashwini Deshpande Interview 👉 https://youtu.be/CldY3-Ze_uk ◀