[부산국제광고제 AD STARS 2021] 온라인 콘퍼런스 연사 소개(4)

부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2021. 8. 21. 16:21


[2021 부산국제광고제 온라인 콘퍼런스 연사 소개(4)]

온라인으로 언제나! 어디서나! 누구나! 즐길수 있는 '2021 부산국제광고제 온라인 콘퍼런스'❗
Now On Digital!, #디지털 을 주제로 강연해주실 연사 6분을 소개합니다!




🔸Good Old Days? Now on Digital
: Hyunchang Roh (Digital Campaign Director, Cheil Worldwide)

🔸상상에서 실현으로
: MeeYee Foong (Creative Director, AKQA)
Buboy Paguio (Technical Creative Director, AKQA)

🔸창의성: 디지털 시대 최고의 자산
: Marc Wesseling (Co-founder & CEO, UltraSuperNew)

🔸고객여정 관점에서 디지털 광고의 한계와 기회
: 고영혁(Managing Director, Treasure Data Korea)

🔸새로운 석유, 데이터: 데이터 중심 비즈니스 혁신을 추구하는 가스/석유화학업
: Yukio Saegusa (CDO & CIO, Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.)

🔸크리에이티브 프로젝트에 대한 디지털 사고 적용
: Dissara Udomdej (Chief Creative Officer, Yell Advertising)


3일간의 콘퍼런스에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶다면, 지금 www.adstars.org를 방문해 주세요😊


[ AD STARS 2021 Online Conference Speakers #4 ]


Anyone can enjoy “AD STARS 2021 Online Conference” anywhere anytime!

Now On Digital!
Introducing our six speakers who will deliver enthralling lectures about #Digital!


🔸Good Old Days? Now on Digital
: Hyunchang Roh (Digital Campaign Director, Cheil Worldwide)

🔸From Imagination to Realization
: MeeYee Foong (Creative Director, AKQA)
Buboy Paguio (Technical Creative Director, AKQA)

🔸Why Creativity is Our Most Precious Commodity in the Digital Age
: Marc Wesseling (Co-founder & CEO, UltraSuperNew)

🔸Limitation and Opportunity of Digital AD from Customer Journey Perspective
: Younghyuk Ko (Managing Director, Treasure Data Korea)

🔸Data is The New Oil: Oil & Gas Company Challenges to Data Driven Business Transformation
: Yukio Saegusa (CDO & CIO, Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.)

🔸A Digital Mindset for Creative Work
: Dissara Udomdej (Chief Creative Officer, Yell Advertising)


To find out more about our three-day Conference, visit www.adstars.org 😊