[부산국제광고제 AD STARS 2021] 2021 부산국제광고제 심사일정 안내

부산국제마케팅광고제(MAD STARS) 2021. 7. 23. 18:10


[2021 부산국제광고제 심사일정 안내]

7월 19일(월) -7월 28일(수)까지 2021 부산국제광고제의 1차 본선 심사가 진행될 예정입니다!

지난 7월 16일, 총 1,726편의 파이널리스트가 공개되었습니다.

본선 진출작들은 23개국 40명의 세계적인 현직 광고인들로 구성된 

본선 심사위원들의 엄정한 심사를 두 차례 받게 됩니다.👦🏻🧓🏻👩🏻‍🦰👱🏻‍♂️👳🏻‍♀️

수상작은 8월 27일(금), 온라인 시상식을 통해 공개될 예정이니, 많은 기대 부탁드립니다!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

과연, 어떤 아이디어들이 올해 수상의 영광을 차지하게 될까요? 
'2021 부산국제광고제'에 여러분의 많은 기대와 관심 부탁드립니다!



[AD STARS 2021 Judging Schedule Guide]

The first round of judging of the AD STARS 2021 will be held from July 19th (Mon) to July 28th (Wed)!

A total of 1,726 finalists were announced on July 16th.

The finalists will be judged twice by a panel of judges,
which consists of 40 world-class advertising experts from 23 countries. 👦🏻🧓🏻👩🏻‍🦰👱🏻‍♂️👳🏻‍♀️

The winners will be announced via a virtual awards ceremony that will be held on August 27th (Fri),
so please look forward to it!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

What ideas will win this year's awards?
We request for your interest and participation in the 'AD STARS 2021'!